The main objective of this work is to disseminate the findings of the project to all the key stakeholder groups and to ensure that the work of the project is sustainable with a robust exploitation and business strategy. In addition, to providing publicity and disseminating project outcomes through a project website and across multiple online platforms and social media. The exploitation plan will also be responsible for ensuring that a clear strategy is developed for the long-term success of the tools and services including beyond the lifetime of the project.

In order to ensure the project is communicated effectively a communication plan will be developed which will also act as the brand guidelines of the project. Then, the work of the project will be disseminated through all available communication channels with the main focus being directed to provide technologies and infrastructure for the efficient and effective management of PG data. Just to name a few, scientific papers about the technological results will be prepared and submitted to top-tier conferences and journals, press-releases and newsletters will be planned when important milestones and results have been achieved, the PI will act as a liaison with interoperability and standardization bodies etc. Target conferences include SIGMOD/PODS, VLDB, EDBT, ICDE, etc. whereas target journals include VLDB Journal, JODS, Big Data Journal, KER etc. During the lifetime of the project at least six publications to international top tier conferences and journals will be achieved.

The exploitation plan will ensure that an effective strategy is in place for the long-term maintenance and availability of the TALE technologies by initially envisaging the following exploitation activities: a) To define the business framework; b) To define the business strategy and analyze the market; c) To create business models based on the defined strategy; d) To perform feasibility analysis and quantify the risks; e) To evaluate the business models and refine them based on the feedback. To this direction, connections with the industry will be exploited (Oracle Labs) that will provide insights and guidance. As already mentioned all tools developed within TALE are going to be published in an open-source repository able to be directly downloaded and reused. In addition, the involvement of the PI in various past and future projects will ensure the continuation of the project output and the exploitation of TALE results in future endeavors.