Property Graphs

What is a Property Graph?

A property graph is a graph data structure that consists of nodes, edges, and properties. Each node represents an entity or object, each edge represents a relationship between entities, and each property represents a characteristic of an entity or a relationship. The model is used in graph databases to represent and store data in a highly flexible and scalable manner. Since they can represent any kind of data and relationships, they can be used to model a wide variety of scenarios. In addition, property graphs can handle large amounts of data and scale horizontally across multiple machines, making them suitable for big data applications....

Our Features

The research project will focus on sophisticated types of graph modifications, incorporate and perform safely schemas into querying
The research project will explore schema extraction for PGs and then will investigate how to capitalise schema for integrating data from multiple sources
The research project will provide a holistic evaluation including both schema discovery and schema-based data integration of multiple PG
The research project will explore and define a formal declarative query language that can operate at the level of graphs
The research project will explore schema-based partitioning techniques to improve the efficiency of systems processing big Property Graphs
The research project will ensure an effective exploitation plan for the long-term maintenance and availability of the TALE activities
The research project will capitalize works from Semantic and JSON schema discovery to enable schema discovery for Property Graphs
The research project will explore summary-based partitioning and hierarchical schemas for improving query answering efficiency
The research project will implement a novel infrastructure focusing on four main phases: design, development, evaluation, and exploitation

What is TALE ?

The main objective of this work is to design a technological stack, based on solid theoretical underpinning, around the property graph data model that can enable graph processing and analytics at scale. The overarching aims of this work is to capitalize expertise and technology that is developed for decades at FORTH for semantic graphs, such as those of graph databases, semantic web technologies, foundations of databases and data models, big data systems, as well as graph algorithms and techniques and to generate a whole new field of interest the scientific community focusing on Property Graphs...


Dimitris Plexousakis

Dimitris Plexousakis

Principal Investigator
Georgia Troullinou

Georgia Troullinou

Post-Doctoral Researcher
Haridimos Kondylakis

Haridimos Kondylakis

Scientific Coordinator
Elisjana Ymeralli

Elisjana Ymeralli

Software Engineer
Vasilis Efthymiou

Vasilis Efthymiou

Affiliated Researcher

Cooperation & Funding

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Information Systems Laboratory (ISL)

Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH-ICS)

100 N.Plastira St.Vassilika Vouton, 70013 Heraklion, Crete, Greece


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