This feature has the objective to evaluate the TALE components, first evaluating the schema discovery solution, then the data integration technology for PGs and eventually the PG data processing system delivered by the project. We have to note that during the development process the components that were developed will continuously be evaluated and refined.

  • Schema Discovery Evaluation. This task will evaluate PGs schema discovery by identifying proper datasets and creating an extensive evaluation set of benchmarks that will be used to evaluate technologies implemented for PG schema discovery.
  • Schema based Data Integration in PGs. In this task schema-based data integration will be evaluated for the integration of multiple PGs. Measure of evaluation will include completeness of the transformation, efficiency for query answering as well as the usability of the proposed solution.
  • Big Data Processing of PGs. Finally, this task will evaluate the data partitioning methods employed for enabling big PG data processing at scale, compared with various other partitioning methods and systems from the area of generic graphs.